Thursday, March 15, 2012

Step by Step

No this will not be able the hit 90s sitcom about the blended family... so sorry to disappoint.  I chose that title because so many things have happen for Jarrod and I in the last few weeks, that I want to just tell you all at once, but realize I should take it step by step...

As I've mentioned in previous posts, Jarrod and I have begun the process of looking for a house.  The one house that seemed perfect (at least online) went under contract 2 weeks before we had an appointment to house hunt with our realtor, so we were forced to find other options to look at.  This was probably for the best anyway because it would be smart to have options instead of falling head over heels for the first house we saw.

So we continued our search online and found 4 houses/townhouses to look at with our realtor the Tuesday of spring break (2 days ago) and then we waited.  Within the week of setting up the appointment and actually getting to it one of the houses went under contract and so it was back to the online listings to find something else to look at.  Houses in our area are moving like hotcakes and it is very unlike the market for this time of year.  Maybe it has something to do with the new FHA loan laws, maybe because everyone e-filed their taxes and got their returns earlier, or maybe one of the oil companies just relocated 20 people and they've all moved to our neighborhood.... whatever it is, the house choices went from plentiful to sparse in a matter or weeks.

While all of this was happening a birthday also occurred.  Yes, my 28th birthday came and went in the most perfect of fashions :)  I had to work, which was totally fine seeing as most of my students did not know it was my birthday.  This is for the best really because once one kid knows, they ALL know and then it's 165 Happy Birthdays and non stop chatter!  After school that day I also had a JV track meet... in the rain... but again something to do before I got to celebrate with a group of work friends.  All of it was very low key and it was nice to enjoy their company at an outdoor bar (yes the rain stopped) and it was wonderful to be showered with gifts of wine, wine glasses and gift cards!  I really have an excellent group of people here in Texas that I have come to know and I am so glad they were able to join me on my actually birthday.

The next step was to continue that good time with an over night trip of wine tasting and shopping... weeee!

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