Monday, August 8, 2011

Sprucing the Place Up a Bit...

Today Jarrod and I spruced up our bedroom a bit with some color and photos. Very crafty, of both of us :)

These use to be those wooden mirrors you get from Ikea.
We popped the mirrors out and covered them in handmade paper.

They don't seem to match. Trust me, if you remember our new
bed cover, they do.

Then we added photos to them. Some of my sisters and I.
Some of Jarrod and I.

Then we worked them around our map to create one
large collage space.

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Home Again...

Since returning to Houston we've been quite busy...

We've been following rainbows.

We've gone on long car rides to conferences.

We've enjoyed "hand made" cotton candy while seeing
the last Harry Potter movie.

We've witnessed trickery in the local fountains...
Bath anyone?

We've worked hard to keep the sun out of our eyes.

School's right around the corner. Hard to believe that the summer is over and it's back to the daily grind of working, teaching, coaching and trying to live a little :)
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