Tuesday, October 8, 2013

An Addendum to "Each Their Own Pregnancy"

Because this blog is really for me more than anything (and the 4 people who still follow it woo woo), I want to take a moment to add an addendum to my post from 2 months ago.  Why, well because I can and 2 because I feel it is important to document my change in emotions.

When I wrote that post I think it is now fair to say I was not in a good place mentally in terms of being pregnant.  I was extremely frustrated with many things and even used the word "hate" when it came to being pregnant.  I think I was in a slump, the 2 months out... it's still not 100% real slump.  Those who know me know that I try not to use the word hate bc my mom doesn't like it.  When growing up, we weren't allowed to say it at all and instead used "H" if we felt very passionate about something.  For example I often said growing up, "I H zuccinni!!!"  So after rereading my post about being pregnant I realize I was wrong.  That I don't indeed H being pregnant.  I was in a bad place and I've realized that now thanks to the help of a wonderful Mother, Nana and Husband.  It also helps that my Dr. stopped worrying about my weight so much too...

So why was I so frustrated? I think a lot of what I did say was true.  I have never lost control of myself the way you do when you are pregnant.  Of all the things people mentioned would happen, that is not really something they can prepare you for.  Am I in love with my new body, no.  But I think my change in mindset is that regardless of what has happen I am bringing something amazing into this world and that is worth all the change.  I mentioned in that last post that I was glad I am only doing this once.  In some ways that is still true... but now mostly because I know doing this once means adopting our second child which I am still ever so excited to do.  I can't wait until Baby MD is 9 months old and we can revisit that process.  I may not be able to feel that baby kick, but the anticipation will be almost greater!!!

So in the end I am ever so grateful and ever so excited to be pregnant.  Every time we see the ultra sound or feel the baby move I know that something completely mind boggling and yet magical is about to happen.  Will my body be perfect afterwards... no.  Was it before I got pregnant... hahahah... NO.  So in the end all of my worry was for nothing.

Here ends my addendum and I look forward to sharing big news in the coming weeks.  Baby MD can make his/her arrival at any point now and we are sooooo ready for that to happen! (Famous last words... :)  )


  1. I love you and your emotions and your honesty and your passion for this. You will be an amazing mom because you are supported by a whole bunch of amazing people. Don't worry about addendums to posts, to parenting, to life - you're allowed. Just be honest and open to them. LOVE YOU TONS!!!!!!

  2. amy... it's ok to be up & down with your feelings... just find someone you can talk to about them - and be open & honest... you can always talk to me, no judging :) we love you & jarrod!

  3. Thanks Ladies- That's why I wrote the addendum haha so that I was being open about being wrong. It felt good to write this new one, even if at the end of the day I didn't really need to. Thanks for all your support! Not long now!!!
