Sunday, October 31, 2010

Back from the Dead on the Dead of the Dead

TA DA (which is short for Da Dada Daaaaaaaaa) We're alive!!!  Shout out to my Nana for being concerned over my lack of blogging, everything is ok, Jarrod and I are doing well, we just can't seem to find time left in the day any more.  Even as I sit here now I am torn between blogging and relaxing on the couch with Jarrod and the pup.  So to ensure people know we are alive and well and still fit in a few minutes of cuddle time with my husband (: I will give you a preview of what blog posts are to come!

 Jarrod Comes Home!
 We Go To An Amazing Art Festival
 New (Empty) Apartment!
 Texas Renaissance Fair
Not So Empty Apartment
Happy Halloween

Stay tuned for the details! :)

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