Thursday, September 2, 2010

I Just Did What?!

Tonight is the eve of 2 weeks down as a high school teacher at Lamar High School, Houston Tx.  WOW!  What a whirlwind these past two weeks have been.  I can not believe two whole weeks have gone by with students.  Coaching has definitely made it feel less stressful because I always end my days with my team.  It's really nice to start the day and end the day that way.  The girls work really hard and I am glad so many show up at 6:30am! It makes getting up at 5:30 worth it...mostly :)

My classes are fairly large, 36 being the largest I believe.  Never had I seen classes this big in Maine, but some how it seems to work.  Perhaps it's because they're freshmen mostly and so they still care a wee bit about what the teacher says and thinks.  Not much, but perhaps a bit.  My toughest class is definitely my sophomores.  They are SO chatty!  And many of the girls are at this stage where being "dumb" is cute.  I know even after only 2 weeks that they are very smart and capable, they just don't want to appear as such apparently.  And they guys are in the "I'm too cool for school" mode.  FUN.  I'm hoping I break through to this group eventually because the content is really interesting to me and could spark some really good conversations, you know, if it was actually cool to talk to your teacher :P

The staff at school is really pretty great!  It's very large, but everyone is friendly and willing to answer questions.  This is especially good for me since I bounce from room to room.  Floating is definitely not my favorite part of the job, however meeting up in the floater's office at the end of the day is quite nice.  We can all compare notes on the day or just complain when needed :)

In terms of life outside of school, things are equally as busy.  It seems like my days are gone before I can begin them and I rarely see the sun except for when it's beating down on me as I run with my girls.  In eight days I will have been married 2 months and yet have only seen my husband for about 2 weeks.  It's a very odd feeling to be married and yet not with the person I'm married to.  As if there is some unwritten rule you're not suppose to do that.  On a much more positive note, Jarrod arrives tomorrow at 8pm!  He took an earlier flight to avoid any Earl mess and it actually works out wonderfully since we have to get up early for a cross country meet!  Ah the duties of a coach never end!  After the meet, Jarrod and I have tons of things planned.  I want to share all I have learned so far while he's been gone and I doubt we'll get through all of it.  We're going to enjoy the end of Houston's Restaurant Week and do some fabric shopping for a wedding quilt I am going to attempt.  We're going to check out the neighborhood we think we'd like to move to and do some shopping here and there.  He will be here until Wednesday because he has an interview on Tuesday!!!  Please keep your fingers crossed that when he leaves on Wednesday, it's only for 2 weeks :)

Stay tuned for pictures from our super fun long weekend... Woo!

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