Saturday, August 7, 2010

Testing 1, 2, 3...

Though Jarrod and I discussed this last night, I am still not 100% positive that I was able to get off scott free and not take the Texas SS exam... Here's the page that explains examinations:

What are your thoughts blog world? Would you say it's safe to assume that Texas actually accepted all the hard work I put in in Maine and is not asking me to jump through hoops?!  If that is the case then I'd like to say Thank You to Texas's board of education people... You've made this transition that much easier with the fact that you acknowledged my hard work and the teacher I already am.  
If in fact I am reading this wrong...I HATE YOU TEXAS!!! 
haha let's hope that latter is not the case....


  1. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's good news and Texas can accept Maine ;-) LOL
