NO I AM NOT PREGNANT!!!! I understand that this blog title lends itself to that notion, but it is not the case at this point. While Jarrod and I do want children some day, I do not think the process of creating said child will be documented on our blog. Now... once the eventual said child arrives.... HA that will be a different story. They will be a blog sensation.... obvs.
So again, I am not pregnant, nor will you find out here any time soon that I am. However this blog post does still relate to children. As long as Jarrod and I have been together we have agreed that we would like to have 2 children. We have also always agreed that one child will (hopefully) be biological and one child will be adopted. Adoption is something very important to both of us and is found on both sides of our families. There are many other reasons we feel strongly about adoption, many of which can be attributed to my Geography background, but at the end of the day it comes down to the fact we both feel it's the right thing to do for our family.
We have decided to share our adventure in adoption via our blog because it will be a less personal adventure in the sense that we will need outside help to make it happen. At some point in the process we will have to ask friends and family for references and we would hate for this process to be a surprise to them.
Last night Jarrod and I took our first step in this process. We attended an orientation with a local adoption agency to learn more about the process. It was about 2 hours long (part of which was during Monday Night Football... aka my husband is a saint!) and it was definitely information overload. Part of the issue we realized is that this particular agency focuses more on foster care and so most of the information we received last night pertained to that. What was helpful was going through their application because it helped us realize just how much documentation we have to pull together to even apply.
We left the meeting feeling somewhat overwhelmed, a little bummed that that agency probably won't work for us, and still a little excited that this process will have to start soon. We now have to get down to business with finding the agency for us and then begin collecting all the required information for their application. This alone could take 3 months or so before we can even move on to the next step.
As readers of this blog know, I am not very consistent with my posts, however I hope to keep a record of this adventure just as I have with others in the past so we can look back and see how far we have come. Virtual reflection, I suppose, is better than no reflection at all.