Sunday, November 14, 2010

Artsy Fartsy

I apologize that the next few posts will be from happenings in the past few months.  I am attempting to catch up and record major things that have happen here in good ole Texas without getting too far behind from the present.

So one Saturday in October Jarrod and I had a decision to make.  Go to the Greek festival and do nothing but eat and people watch, or head downtown and go to a huge art festival and still be able to people watch. After weighing out options for a few minutes (and yes we were on the fence for a good minute or two) we decided to head downtown for some art.  I am very glad our decision went that way because the photographs, sculptures, pottery pieces and other medias we saw were AMAZING!  We wished we could have purchased so much more than we did, perhaps one day when we're both rich and famous... We did end up buying three photographs of trees taken mostly in Georgia and North Carolina.  They're all in black and white and we have plans of hanging them in our bedroom.  We also met a jewelry maker named Matt Smith who's jewelry was really awesome as well as totally affordable.  I really wanted a specific color and so Matt Smith offered to make it custom and get it to me within a few weeks.  It came out awesome!

Enough us the photos!
 Glad to be at the Art Show...clearly

This is done with chalk... right on the sidewalk!
 Bronze Humpy Dumpy Eggs... They came in all sizes and attitudes :)
Buddha Egg
This was the pond in the park the art show surrounded. It had all sorts of floating pieces of art in it.
Still can't figure out how to rotate... Downtown Houston at dusk :)
After the Art Show we ventured further into downtown and enjoyed some AWESOME mexican food at Cielo's.  The chips and dip alone would have sufficed.  
 This is my dinner.  Enchiladas... that's Spanish for Holy Moly Guacamole!!
This was dessert.... You can gather your own fabulous description from the picture alone.
This was the random chicken we encountered on our way into the city that afternoon.  Was there a farm nearby?  No, a law firm... so Im not totally sure what that says about that law firm :)