Then came my 1/2 marathon. As I mentioned in previous posts Jarrod and I wanted to run a 1/2 together, but he got into the Houston 1/2 and I did not. At first I was really bummed, however after running mine this past Sunday I must say I am SO glad we ran separate 1/2s for our first time. It was so awesome to have Jarrod along the race course cheering me on, handing me water, taking my gloves, and taking pictures. I felt so supported and encouraged that I know it is a major reason I did so well.
It was cold and cloudy for most of the race with the sun not coming out until about mile 12. It was quite perfect actually. Perfect temp, no sun in my eyes and it was if the sun guided me into the finish at the exact moment I needed it. The 1/2 marathon was for women only. It was such a positive and fun experience! Lots of hot pink and fun outfits that gave a less serious tone to things. My goal was to run 9 minute miles. I ended up running 151.26 minutes for the 13 miles which is about 8.5 minute miles so I was super happy. There were about 150 women in my age group, about 900 overall and I was 11th in my age group and 58th overall. Not bad at all...
The only negative of the whole event was the anti-climactic feeling when it was all over. Here I had been training for this one day since August and it was over in 2 hours. Perhaps this is why many people become addicted to road races like they do tattoos... You desire the next and the next and the next because it's something to work towards, to push yourself to. I am already thinking about marathons... and more halfs, and more 10Ks and 5Ks. I know some of you are thinking "ewww she likes to run for fun" but man it feels good!
For now it's on to Jarrod's 1/2. We'll see who did better... I mean I am sure he'll do great! ;)
I'll end with a few pics from the race and it's off to grade. It's midterms week and lots of holiday celebrations week. So excited to celebrate and then make the long trek home!!! Happy Holidays one and all!!!!