What has our household been up to? We have been attending awesome festivals, visiting with parents, going to the State track meet and getting a new bed!

Both sets of parents came to town in late April/May. Tons of fun and glad we got to show both sets around our new home of Houston. We ate so much food (haha), went to the drag races and celebrated Mother's Day and birthdays!
School has been flying by and feels like it has been going non stop. Our students were reviewing for state testing and our athletes were practicing to go to the state meet. Testing was a long process that took 4 school days. They tested all morning and then went to classes in the afternoon. Needless to say we didn't accomplish much during those afternoons. For track we were going to district and regional meets and all the girls' hard work paid off because 4 of our girls made it to the state meet. The meet was in Austin and we took the girls on an overnight trip and over all we came 2nd in the 4x400m race. Not bad considering the competition!
With track officially over Jarrod and I have been trying to sleep better and relax and we finally realized that wasn't going to happen in our little full size bed! Not to mention the hot weather has arrived and settled in and so the furnace that is Jarrod is overheating things even more. We began shopping around and found an awesome deal at Mattress Firm that we couldn't say no to. Introducing the reason I am totally sleeping better than I have in a long time....
It's a king size bed, (go big or go home, right?) which almost fills our bedroom, but so far it is totally worth it! I love it soooooo much :)
I'd like to say it won't be a month before I blog again but with the way life has been going it may just be that long. Finals are next week, I have to go back to Austin for training once school is over, we are house/dog sitting for our awesome friends who are tying the knot back east, ANNNNND I'm heading home to the north east for a month...PHEW! I am super excited to go home for a month to see friends and family. I am especially looking forward to spending time with my sisters and celebrating life milestones with friends(engagements and weddings oh my!!).
So sorry if it's another month, but you can be sure the next post will be a good one :)